Perfect Day is a fully customizable weather and wellness app that encourages its users to get outdoors more often, harnessing the proven health benefits of the sun and nature.
Americans will spend up to 90% of our lives indoors.
Perfect Day will help people find more time to break unhealthy habits and trigger new, healthier decisions.

What does this mean in terms of actual costs?
NIH did a study with AARP of healthcare costs. They found that we can reduce the average cost of a 60 year old persons healthcare by over $1,600 dollars per year with as little as 1-3 hours per week of light physical activity throughout our life.
It’s a savings of $65 Billion dollars in per year for older adults.
Sedentary lifestyles are expensive.
The CDC also did a study and found that in the next 20 years Preventable diseases will cost an additional $66 billion/year.
According to the CDC, preventable diseases are things like obesity, stress, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease.
All of these can be caused by sedentary lifestyles.
Weather is one of the biggest drivers of a sedentary lifestyle.
Cloudy days, rain, cold, extreme heat etc, can prevent us from getting outside. Spending time indoors becomes more of a habit.
The average number of days of sun across the United States is 105 days/year, just 28% of the year
No matter where you live, there are a limited number of opportunities where the conditions are ideal to get some sunshine.
Our aim is to maximize those days for our users.

A weather and wellness/lifestyle app in one
We will be using the same base weather data as the weather apps, but focusing on positive weather moments to interact with our users and encourage sharing, in a way that’s more like the interactive and helpful nature of the lifestyle and wellness apps.
Perfect day will be fully customized to you and your activities. Everyone has a different idea of what their perfect day is, so we’d like the app to know that and respond to each users needs. Besides just simply helping you plan better to get outside more often, there is the social aspect. We envision badges, challenges, streaks and other social features. We’re planning to implement some of those proven features to get people using the app and sharing it with their friends.

“We have an epidemic in the US of too much screen time and isolation. I want to help motivate people to get outside more often, creating a happier and healthier overall population.”
— Clifton Alexander, Founder, Perfect Day
Contact us or sign up for updates and join us on our quest for happier and healthier lifestyles. ->
If you’d like to join our mailing list, we’ll keep you informed of our progress. We’re still in the early stages of this company, and are always looking for expertise, feature ideas and funding sources. Thanks!